Saturday, February 15, 2014

Reading Blog Post 8 - Happy With My New Book

I have now started reading the book Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. So far it's pretty good! It's so much better than my previous book and so far it's doing a good job of keeping me engaged! What I know about Park is a bit fuzzy right now. But what I do know is that he is very smart, in all honors classes and is also very paranoid and overthinks a lot of things. He seems to be stressed quite often and I hope Eleanor helps change that. What I know about Eleanor is also a bit fuzzy. She just moved to this new school and is in all honor classes, but she's failed at them at her old school, even though her mother persists. She seems to be hopeless, but free spirited. She moved to this place because of a reason that I don't know of. In the book it states that Eleanor's stepfather had kicked her out of the house. I don't know why and I don't know where she had been living before that, but I know that he is a bad man and I think he abuses all of his family members in one way or another. She only had a cardboard box full of things her mother had brought from the old house.

I think that what the future holds for this book is not good. Though the mood of this book right now is kind of laid back, I have a feeling it will become tense and things will start to take a downward plunge and something tells me it will have to do with Eleanor's step father. But that will not be for a while, so for now I am enjoying the book. So far what has happened is that Eleanor and Park ride the same bus and Eleanor has to sit with him because there are no open seats. he is incredibly embarrassed because she wears horrendous outfits and new people are always the laughing stock of the school. I think Park is starting to become fascinated with her, but doesn't want to see it for himself and is kind of in denial. His thoughts about her keep coming into the book. He will say something nice about her and then make it negative because he doesn't want to like her.

Reading Blog Post 7 - Finally!

I have recently stopped reading the book Confession of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson. I just really didn't enjoy the book. It felt just a bit below my reading level and the book itself had no suspense or build up, or at least not what I had read in the book. This book was supposed to be a mystery and a thriller at that, but it just came off as a boring book about a girl trying to solve her parents murder, but she never actually found anything. I was more than halfway through the book when I stopped reading it, a good 150 pages. All in all I would like to tell the author to just put a little more heart into the book and make it more interesting and thrilling. If I had to rate this book I'd probably give it a 4 out of 10 just because it didn't have that much of a story line and left me confused about where the book was going. It was not engaging, but I guess if you're not into reading then you could read it for a nice relaxing read, but it's just not going to keep you engaged, in my opinion.

Now I'm going to start reading a book called Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. I was drawn to this book first because of it's cover, which is not the best route to go, but it just looked so simple minded and good. The book is supposedly about two sixteen year olds falling in love. My description doesn't do the book any justice though. I really like how the characters are described in the description on the back cover though, "Eleanor...Red hair, wrong clothes. Standing behind him until he turns his head. Lying beside him until he wakes up. Making everyone else seem drabber and flatter and never good enough... Eleanor." and ,"Park... He knows she'll love a song before he plays it for her. He laughs at her jokes before she ever gets to the punch line. There's a place on his chest, just below his throat that makes her want to keep promises...Park." I've heard a lot of good things about this book and once I saw the last copy at the bookstore sitting there i just had to pick it up! I'm excited about the book and will shortly tell you what I think of it!