I can't even write this right now. I'm like this with every book, I think, but for some reason this ending was just so unexpectedly sad. The way it was written was so emotionally involved and I just can't even describe to you how emotionally involved I was with these characters. Even if this book ended with a happy ending I would just simply be sad that it was over, but this was excruciating and on my part, the biggest tear jerk-er I have ever read, so thank god I was not in school for the end of this book because I was crying for a solid half hour at least. I can't even say the ending was bad or left me feeling unfinished, which I guess is good, but it's also not good because it just makes me feel more like this is real life than just a book. But! I really do like that the last line is, "Eleanor hadn't written him a letter, it was a postcard. Just three words long." which you would probably assume to be a pretty pathetic and not to mention cheesy ending, but it's not! Because you don't know what she wrote. She might have written, "I love you." which is the obvious, but she also could have written, "Park, just stop." or maybe, "I'm coming home." Probably not the last one, but it's the most hopeful! Anyway, I really would like to think it was, "Park, just stop." Because even though that is horribly harsh and just brutal, I don't really think Park would take it that way. In the book it says he smiled when he read it. So maybe it was that and he's just like Oh, Eleanor. You know? Like all reminiscent and stuff, or just happily thinking of her voice or her pessimistic personality that Park seems to smile at. Whatever it is, I can only hope that they will reunite because they are just perfect.
One more thing before I leave, I should probably tell you what actually happens in the book. Well I told you in my last post about Richie's anger towards Eleanor. But let's just say that Eleanor takes extreme lengths to get away from him. I just don't want to spoil it for anyone reading it. But I will tell you one thing. I can't believe I'm choosing to share this part over any part about Eleanor and Park as a whole, but I think it's because you really have to read the book to understand why I'm crying over a line that reads, "'You,' he said, putting his arms around her and promising himself that it wouldn't be the last time, 'are the bravest person I know.'" You just have to know the situation and everything that's happened so far to feel the real impact of the story. One thing that I think is a huge impact, like really impact full is when Park is going to drive Eleanor to Minnesota at two in the morning and Park's dad catches him, but he doesn't get mad, he just tells Park to go and actually gives him money. This shows how much he cares for Park because Park and him don't have that great of a relationship, but he knows how bad Eleanor's step-dad is so he is so caring for Park. I just love it!
Well come back next week to this blog and I will probably do a summary review of the book. But maybe not. Anyways come back because I will have something new to read. I don't want to read something new though. Maybe I'll re read this book until I die. It's that good! I strongly strongly strongly encourage you to read it!