Thursday, April 24, 2014

Reading Blog Post 15 - A Series of Mostly Unfortunate Events

Okay, okay, okay. Boy, do I have a lot to tell you guys. I haven't written about the actual plot of the book and an excruciatingly long time, so I have a lot to share. I think where we last left off is right where everything started to get all over the place. I mean the whole book is a roller coaster of emotions every second, but these things are big things and they're happening.  

Okay, so I thought I wrote about this already, however looking back at my recent posts I realized I have not! So. Let me tell you about what happened to Eleanor in gym class a couple of weeks ago. Tina stole her gym clothes! Well she didn't steal them, really, just tried to flush them down the toilet. That's all. I am beyond angry if you can tell. Seriously, who does that? I mean I get that Tina is one of the antagonists. Maybe she's just jealous of Eleanor and Park, but that's horrible. Especially, since Eleanor has almost no clothes, period. Now she has to go with one less whole outfit. You know what makes me angrier than anything? She flushed her strawberry vans down the toilet. Eleanor loved them, more than anything. Well not Park, but still. It makes me so angry. That's the first dilemma, especially since she had to walk all the way from the gym to the guidance office, in a red  and white striped polyester gym suit like thing that they have to wear for gym class. Ugh.

Okay, let's get a little happier. The next thing that happens is that Park gets his driver's license! Very exciting, right? It is! It is because Eleanor and him finally get to go on a date! They go downtown to all of Park's favorite record stores and comic shops. one line that struck me as super funny in this little scenerio was, "He kept pretending that they were on a real date, and then he'd remembered that they were" (Rowell, 269). That's so cute! They are on a real date! Go them.

I love this picture to the left. It totally sets up what Eleanor and Park's styles and vibes are. For example, Eleanor looks super annoyed and kind of insecure. That's exactly what I would use to describe her. Park looks kind of chill and protective of her in a nonchalant way; just kind of there. Which is how they are protrayed! It's a bit funny because when I think of them, I think of Eleanor as this big character that has a lot of emotions and feelings and personality everywhere and Park is kind of a nobody, but in a big way. Well I shouldn't say that. He is so charming and just has a smirking personality, if you get what I'm saying. Anywho, I love this picture because it really gives the vibe that they are together and yeah, they aren't perfect, but they're going to stick it out.

Okay, ready to feel a lot of stress and panic? Well get yourself ready. When Eleanor comes home that night, she crawls up into her top bunk and tries to fall asleep when she notices a torn up comic book at her feet. She automatically blames Ben, her brother, for the mess, but then her eyes adjust and she realizes that what has actually happened is that her stuff is just thrown everywhere, ripped to shreads. All of her comics books, her makeup, her books, and her box is empty. The box she keeps everything worth keeping, is empty. On the lip of it is written, do you think you can make a fool of me? this is my house do you think you can hore around my neighborhood right under my nose and i'm not going to find out is that what you think? i know what you are and its over (Rowell, 268). That came from Richie, Eleanor's horribly ugly hearted step father. You guys don't get it I don't think. Eleanor and Park just came home from their first real date. Everything is happy and I'm on cloud nine reading it, and then this happens. I feel like it's me in that position! Eleanor runs out of her house and you know what is just a little weird, but sort of hopeful?

Eleanor runs into Tina. Tina helps Eleanor. Plot Twist. Tina lets Eleanor stay at her place until her step dad cools down. Now I really hate Tina, but you have to admit at that point there is some good in her, and I think this will be kind of an understanding between them. I think it's kind of sweet. I don't know, well that's all for today, but i will have more next week, probably better things too! I can't wait.

Here's another blog I found on blogspot that gave a review on eleanor and Park that I think pretty much sums up the excitement for this book. I will link it here:

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