Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Reading Blog Post 5 - Progress, but Eh

I am still making progress on Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson. I haven't made a whole ton of progress since my last post so I am going to talk about a certain character in my book and what I want to know more about them. The character I am choosing for this blogging prompt is Tandy. Tandy is vigorously trying to find out who her parents murderer is. She is all science and mostly thinks logically, she's the only one in her family of five who does not play a musical instrument and is not gifted in an area of art, which is almost the complete opposite of my character so I think a conversation with Tandy would look something like me just trying to get to know her and her thinking of all of the things possible that she can talk about. I imagine her very very scatter brained and I feel like she's sort of crazy.

I feel like Tandy is really clever, she knows what she's talking about and that makes me like her more as a reader. It's like I am her best friend and she's the cool kid because she really really does know her stuff. She's so timid and I also feel like she's a bit energetic, energetic in the way where she can't stop moving. So that's what Tandy looks like to me, which is quite interesting.

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